Cheap hotels in St. Petersburg

Cheap hotels in St. Petersburg are one of the most popular tourist requests among accommodation places in the city on the Neva. The cost of a room is one of the most important factors when choosing a hotel in the Northern capital. Among them, both comfortable rooms in St. Petersburg hotels of the economy and two-star categories, as well as standard rooms in business or premium class hotels, offered inexpensively with a seasonal discount, are in demand.

Many hotels in St. Petersburg offer inexpensive accommodation services, which already include such moments as breakfast, parking or transfer. It is very convenient for all tourists without exception. It is better to look for cheap hotels in St. Petersburg in the absence of a high season (if you really really want to save money), namely during the autumn, winter and spring, when the weather is still, frankly, not very good. Well, another of the nuances to save on accommodation is to choose small hotels, even, rather, small, or even hostels. But hostels may not be completely comfortable for everyone, so a mini-hotel is a great budget option. And, of course, the cost per room will also depend on the location of the accommodation facility: it is very cheap on the outskirts of the city, it will be more expensive in the city center.