Prices of hotels in St. Petersburg

On the website you can find detailed information about prices for hotels in St. Petersburg and the cost of various categories of rooms located in the city center and near metro stations of the Northern capital. When ordering a hotel and booking a room, please specify whether the cost of breakfast is included in the price of the hotel or breakfast is not included in the price and is paid separately at the hotel. After all, St. Petersburg hotels have very different prices. More often the price depends not only on the season, but also on the name of the hotel. The more famous the hotel is, the higher the price tag.

As a rule, the prices of hotels in St. Petersburg also include the most popular services, such as Wi-Fi Internet access, prices for services upon arrival in the city. During the low season, hotels in St. Petersburg offer the lowest prices and discounts, significantly, up to 30-50% lower than standard prices. Therefore, hotels in St. Petersburg have low prices very rarely, usually in winter and these are accommodation facilities at the level of three stars and below. And even though prices are lower in winter, the main flow of tourists in the Northern capital does not stop in summer, when the city is illuminated by a rare sun, and the wind does not howl with cold air and does not knock down people passing by.